Hikes With Dad

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2021 Hike 19: Rex Derr Trail - Winthrop

This last hike in Winthrop was a shorter one; after the crazy steep one the day before, we opted for something a little bit more scenic and flat on our last full day in Winthrop. We found this trail that was right outside the city limits called Rex Derr.

Hey, we finally figured out how to take pictures that aren’t backwards!

This trail was named after retired State Park agency director Rex Derr, who loved to come to the Methow valley.

I am so glad we did this trail; one of Brook’s bucket list items is to see fields of wildflowers in bloom, and this area did not disappoint. All sorts of blossoms dotted the fields around Pearrygin Lake, and the late spring clouds and greenery gave it a lush, pastoral feel.

Brookie with flowers

Lots of yellow!

This was a short trail, and we were quite tired, so this blog is somewhat short. In conclusion…here is a picture of a random mammal we saw on the way: