2021 Hike 11: Little Si
This mountain is one of my favorite places to go. Last year, we did this hike with Leah and Craig, and I was delighted to return. With the pandemic closing down most other sources of recreation, the trails have been packed. For this reason, I woke up at 6:30am on a weekday, as Brook was getting ready for work, and beat everyone to the trail.
When I reached the top of the mountain, I was the only one there, and it felt amazing.
Top of Little Si
One of the cool things about Little Si, is that there is an overlook with the same view as the peak right after the first switchback, so you can do a “before and after” shot at 30 feet, and at 1200 feet.
View from 30 feet
View from 1200 feet
I also realized that I may be slowly turning into Ron Swanson from the show Parks and Rec…I have been known to utter things such as “why would anybody pay three times as much to have someone else change the air filter on their car? It’s two clips and a case!” or, referring to an old flower pot “Why would I volunteer for an art project, something I hate doing, on something that I care nothing about? So I threw it away.” This metamorphosis was made apparent to me as I removed bacon from my backpack. Yes, I brought emergency bacon on the trail. Just in case I felt like eating bacon on top of a mountain. Maybe I need to move to Pawnee or something.
Trail bacon! Yes, I’m wearing a different shirt. Protip: change your base layer at the top, and you will be nice and non-sweaty!