2021 Hike 24: Humpback Mountain

We are back in the Puget Sound after an amazing trip to Glacier. I thought Humpback Mountain would be a quick hike to do, as it was only four miles out and back. I was wrong. I only did half of this hike for a number of reasons.

Pretty flower I saw on the trail

Pretty flower I saw on the trail

Interesting berries that look decidedly inedible

Interesting berries that look decidedly inedible

This hike is only 4 miles out and back, but has an elevation gain of about 2900 feet. The trail is mostly a 45 degree angle, and the beginning stretch is made of soft sand and aggregate (probably due to a slide)

This is the trailhead.  What you don’t see is that it gets even steeper and more treacherous just past the left side of the frame.

This is the trailhead. What you don’t see is that it gets even steeper and more treacherous just past the left side of the frame.

After clawing and scraping my way up and through loose and fallen trees, the trail ascends steeper and steeper, until it’s little more than a deer track.

Trail looks pretty good…for now

Trail looks pretty good…for now

This is the trail from a level shot…my head is not bent while taking this picture.

This is the trail from a level shot…my head is not bent while taking this picture.

Normally I would be willing to give it a go, but a few factors made me turn back:

  1. I was hiking alone

  2. There was nobody else on the trail

  3. I was losing battery life and reception on my phone

  4. I began to lose the trail

Due to these things I decided that it would be stupid to continue…I am all about an adventure, but my first priority is making it out safely, and this felt like a recipe for disaster. In addition to the factors above, I had this unexplainable feeling in my gut that said that this just felt “wrong.” Heeding my instincts bolstered by reasons above, I made the decision to call it. I will hike another day.