2021 Hike 3: Mazes, Blowholes, and Dragons, oh my!
This next hike takes us to the west side of Maui. This is actually a couple smaller hikes that I tallied up together. Most of the stops on the west side of the island are right off the road, so to call this a proper hike, I combined both.
Our first stop was the Dragon’s tooth walk. This was a crazy part of the cliffside, where the erosion carved the volcanic rock into the shape of a dragon’s jaw. Awesome weather, and waves as well…I may have gotten a little soaked.
The “dragon’s teeth”
At the end of this walk, someone created a maze out of the landscape, reminiscent of Westworld. Pretty a-maze-ing! (I may not be a dad, but I can sure tell a joke like one!)
Maze on the Dragon’s tooth
Further on down the road, we stopped at the Nakalele Blowhole. This would have been its own hike at any other point in the year, but today was particularly treacherous, so we played it safe, and stayed on the high trails. With the wind and rain making the landscape slippery, and the blowhole itself acting as a giant vacuum if you get too close, we decided to keep a safe distance.
Nakalele Blowhole
We were going to finish up with the Iao State Park plains trail, but unfortunately due to a rain event that had not been seen in 25 years, the park and road were closed off. We also couldn’t plead ignorance, because there was a highway patrol officer guarding the road. Oh well, next time.