Hikes With Dad

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Hike 12: Dirty Harry's Balcony

No, not that Dirty Harry.

Dirty Harry’s balcony was actually named for a logger in the 1940s, Harry Gault, who was famous for harvesting lumber at hard to reach locations. This trail was part of the area that he used to log, which has since grown back with thick stands of evergreens.

Brook at the river

This hike starts out with a rolling arboreal landscape alongside a river. Then it goes up. The elevation gain is only 1300 feet, but almost all of that gain is in one mile of scree and rocky trail. This trail illustrates the 80/20 rule perfectly: 80% of this trail is easy, rolling, well-maintained path, and 20% is ridiculously hard, slippery, and sharp.

The end is well worth it though. When you make it to the top, you are surrounded with snow-capped mountains, and have a view of the I-90 corridor leading up to Snoqualmie Pass.

i-90 and the river from the balcony

I would definitely do this hike again, but perhaps pace myself a bit more on the steep parts next time. It is a wonderful trail; just remember to wear solid hiking boots, and pack plenty of trail bacon!

At the start of the trail