Hike 32: Tommy Thompson trail

Brook and I did this trail when we were in Anacortes. Anacortes is a little town in the Pacific Northwest that happens to be the town that Brook grew up in!

Brook and I on the bridge

This trail goes through the town of Anacortes, and over this giant bridge to the oil refinery.

The fallout from the storm the night before

One of the cool things about this trail, is that seagulls use the bridge to break shells in order to get to the goodies inside. In front and behind us, we heard and saw clams being dropped from altitude. Though slightly disconcerting, it was pretty cool to see.

The remnants of seagull dinners

Also on our walk, we saw a group of otters swimming offshore!

Otters swimming offshore

This was a very cool hike; I always feel at home by the shore, and the salt water spray.

Random stone animal