Hike 8: Lincoln Park
Today is a milestone in the Hikes with Dad challenge: it is the first hike with an actual dad! Today, Brook and I hiked the trails of Lincoln Park in West Seattle with our friends, Sam, Cindy, and Nathan Affolter!
Cindy, Nathan, and Sam Affolter
I have known Sam since 1993; we have been great friends for over half of our lives. We grew up together through middle school and High School, and roomed together in our late twenties. Suffice it to say, many hijinks transpired between the two of us over the years. It is hard to believe that he is now a dad himself! I was thrilled to have this opportunity to hike with these wonderful people.
Lincoln Park is a beautiful area of the coast, that has a lovely forested bluff, and a couple areas where flowers bloom in the Spring. There is a trail that goes down to the beach, which ends at the Vashon Island Ferry. This park is one of the largest and oldest parks in Seattle, and is a great place for people of all ages.
Nathan, watching the ferries dock (and apparently watching the ground as well)
For our hike, we walked the length of the bluff, which overlooks the Puget Sound, then took a steep trail down to the beach, where Nathan commenced throwing copious amounts of gravel into the ocean.
Nathan, attempting to return all beach rocks back to the ocean
On the way back, we stopped to watch the ferries dock and load. We then attempted to collectively explain to Nathan how a boat is able to have cars on it. He was quite impressed!
Patrick and the Affolters
It was such a joy to hike with this beautiful family, and I am stoked that we now have our first dad on the blog!
Father and son